Wednesday, 14 September 2011


Had a very sick & large shore break seesion at my dad's place in Umdloti...winds forced the swell to Umdloti's heavy shore

and what we got....

Tuesday, 13 September 2011


Got some belter waves along Fruitloops reef at Christmas bay last Saturday.

Wave riding shots can't be put up now as Sixty40 are doing an article on the North Coast Crew.So i'll see if i can get published too.....hope.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011


Today marked exactly a month that my dear mentor & best friend Mike Livesey passed in a tragic accident.
Mike was leaving my house on my skateboard after being at our Youth braai & was meant to come back and fetch me to go out,when he didn't answer his phone I called his home to which his mom replied in the worst news i've ever heard.

Story is a guy was overtaking in our road (we live in the same road) and didn't see my friend.Words aren't enough to explain the hurt that myself and many of his/our friends have and still going through.So many people within the Durban North community have come together because of this and in turn numerous amount of people have given their lives to Christ,some that didn't even know Mike.Once again,my friend,never ceasing to amaze me even in the darkest of times.

I display my speech that I gave at Mike's "Celebration of Life" or known as a funeral in most cases.The family,friends and especially Mikey would want everyone to celebrate his life rather than mourn.

Mike Wazowski Livesey. Best Friend. Mentor. Son. Brother. Gracious. Loving. God’s disciple. Legend

These words my bru are the words that best sum you up.

Mike and I worked last year for my mom during the World Cup but became best of friends beginning of this year as he took me under his colossal wing & mentored me through life as God wants me to. Jess being the loving person she is used to lift me to and from church until I was blessed with another Livesey, Mikey Boy. Taking me to and from youth and church on Sunday was the weekly lift scenario,Mike not ever saying no or trying to make a plan if he couldn’t.

Our relationship was tagged as a “bro-mance” by Zac as we shared some incredible memories together never ceasing to amaze me even in the darkest of times.

Spending the Mr Price Pro with my the boys Zac and Mikey having simply what we said was the best couple days we’ve had together. We had a field trip of a day watching the surfing,bmx-ing,laughing and of course….chowing.This lead to a braai later that evening at the Swart’s house where I was further introduced to Mike’s hordes of mates; welcomed… a brother, most if not many sitting in front of me. With us starting the fire, getting our steaks onto the fire 1st and some of his infamous pasta he recently perfected was gobbled in world record timing as we dashed down to watch the rest of the bands. An awesome night of music had come to an end and off to home where Zac myself and Mikey proceeded to sing as loud as our vocal cords could contain; blasting the Toyota to max volume with old tunes.I quote from Mike’s status: “Best two days of my life...Shot Tyler Walker, Zac Dermick, Justin Elson,David Daniel, and the rest of you legends who contributed in some part!”

Our last youth together was simply amazing. With Dom leaving for some chow early Zac asked Mike for some impromptu; not warmed up nothing yet he flippen rocked that worship session! Once again, my friend, never ceasing to amaze me. We did our usual mess around after youth till we decided we wanted to rock it out with Myself singing ,Zac attempting to sing ,Mellon on drums,Lara jumping up and down on her imaginery guitar and Mikey slapping the bass absolutely owning the stage together,no holds barred. After having to stop due to Quarters Hotel complaints we left up the hill to the HoC/House of Curries mingle session where I was fortunate enough to form relationships with more of Mike’s good mates Theo and Leighton. HoC was where our usual games of signs or Mafia would take place; on one occasion Mike killing me (a fellow mafia) to win the game…needless to say that didn’t work at all.

I had the insane honor of the spending the whole day of Mike’s last day with us. Surfing in the morning with Zacary and Mellon in the morning lead myself and Mikey skating around Durban North tirelessly till eventually pleasing our manly stomach’s with some Steers where Mike proceeded to have an ever so colossal R76 King Steer burger with large chips and Coke. Once again my friend never ceased to amaze me. Eventually through our slobber and mush of Steers burgers we went harping on about the number one talking point in men’s lives……women. Onto Checkers for more chow for the braai at my house later that night and chilling at my house looking at photos will be the memory I most cherish.Yes bru I know,I owe you that R18 for the charcoal.

Our love and passion for photography unfortunately left either myself behind the camera taking photos of Mike or Mike behind the camera taking photos of me. Memories will last forever.

Our youth absolutely adored him and had the privilege of spending that Saturday evening having a braai at my house. Ask anyone from our youth about how he was and undoubtedly each will tell you how at peace he was with life.

Our last photo together that tragic Saturday evening at my house.

He was at such a character,a brother,my brother,my leader,my chom.
Bru I love you so much,never will you leave my heart.

A video made by Mike's sister Jess Livesey is displayed on Youtube for all to see comprising of some of my photos and family photos that best visualize who Mikey was.

This can be found here:

MyBoogie website & Fetish Media

My friend Adam Waites has started an SA Body Boarding Youth Collective site for all young up & coming SA body boarders and photographers under the age of 21.So now I will be one of the designated photographers to be on his site.Cover image for the site is mine too,stoked.More news regarding MyBoogie is that Sixty40 (best body boarding mag around) has contacted Adam to get a pic of the North Coast crew guys this weekend.AMPED.Further details will be given.

Go check it out on: & facebook on

I'm going to be featured in my mates new and online page called Fetish Media.It should be featured on the Facebook page soon.Their site will be launched soon.

Go check out their page on:

Thursday, 11 August 2011


My uncle Brad and I are starting up a sports photography business!
getting new equipment such as Canon 7D,Del Mar housing,Fish eye,50mm and telephoto's !!!Durbs come alive!!

Friday, 29 July 2011


Glad to see Zag chose 2 of my pics fro their new Gallery "The Pro Were In Town"!!

Monday, 18 July 2011


Yes,more photos got to the Leaderboard of Zig Zag's "Shot Bru" compo!go to to check it out!

Other news is that there's hope as Adam submitted two of my images of him to the profound Sixty40 Bodyboarding mag,they got to see if they get published!!!Super blessed...

Went on youth camp with my amazing church and that the time of a life time!So much of Him was filled into EVERY person at that camp,yes i did get baptized!Now a walk in faith is to come.